How To Improve Your Volleyball Serve, Girls Volleyball Serving Skills: How To Become a Serving Sensation!
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You will learn quickly that what you do with your feet and lower body determines how well you will perform all volleyball skills, fundamentals and drills. That's why alot of my advice and volleyball tips focus on the correct positioning of your feet and lower body.
To improve your volleyball serve let's start with your...
In order to begin the serve we first start with your feet positioning. Right handers place your right foot behind your left foot so your Right foot is perpendicular to your Left. Your left foot should be pointed Exactly in the direction of where you want to serve.
If you want to serve the volleyball down the line of the volleyball court then your Left foot, hips and upper body should be pointed straight ahead. When serving cross court your left foot, hips and upper body should be turned and facing cross court.
All your body weight should be on your back (right foot. The only lower body movement needed when you serve will be a shift in weight from your back (Right) foot to the front (Left) foot.
Upper Body - Left Arm
Extend your Left arm straight out in front of your palm facing up. Place the volleyball in the palm of this hand.
The toss is one of the most important elements of the volleyball serve.
Make sure the starting position for your Left arm is straight out in front of you - not down by your waist. With a straight Left arm Toss the ball no more than 2 feet in the air.
For practice, while learning, let the ball fall to the ground. A correctly tossed volleyball will land about 10-12 inches - in front of your front toe Every Time. Your toss should be the same EVERY TIME. Two feet up in the air and 10 inches in front of your LEFT foot. If you Toss to the left or right of your front foot...
1. will be forced off balance.
2. will be forced to chase your toss - which will keep you from serving the volleyball in the direction you want to. Believe it or not the TOSS is where many volleyball serving errors start.
Right arm is fully extended with fingertips and palm facing downward lightly covering the top of the ball. After the toss - you step forward shifting your body weight from back foot to front foot to meet the ball. At this moment you begin your arm swing.
Start your RIGHT arm swing by pulling your arm straight back - palm facing outward - keep your elbow high. Your elbow should pass Over the level of your ear - in slow motion you should be able to turn your head slightly to look underneath your elbow as you pull your arm back--use the same movement you would use to pull a bow and arrow.
Once you've pulled the arrow (your elbow) as far back as it will go, keeping the elbow as high as possible--raise the forearm above your head--palm facing the sky - bring arm foreward to make contact with the ball. Contact should be made squarely in the center of the ball with the flat upper palm portion of your hand.
1. Assume the Start Position with your feet in the "2 o'clock" position and with your weight on the back foot, prepare to toss with the Left hand.
2. Take a step shifting your weight from your back (Right) foot to the front (Left) foot towards the ball.
1. Start arm swing (just like pulling the bow of an arrow) as you step forward (shift weight) to go contact the tossed ball.
2. Contact the ball squarely in the middle of it - with the upper part of the palm of your hand.
Don't "Shot Put" Your Volleyball Serve
Shot putting occurs when your elbow is too low during your arm swing.
When your elbow is low you are forced to try and lift the ball over the net just by using the force of your open palm, which doesn't produce enough force or momentum to get the ball over the net.
Don't Disguise Your Serve
Let everyone in the gym know where you are going to serve the volleyball--especially whoever you are serving to. This often puts pressure on the passer. With practice and repetition you will be able to serve tough enough so that your target will have difficulty passing your serve.
Also, when you try to show that you are serving in one direction then serve in another direction- it usually forces you to add more movement than necessary in your volleyball serving technique. When this happens more often than not you will
1. miss the timing of your toss, or
2. contact the volleyball on its side or
3. be forced off balance which all contribute to a possible missed serve.
So Remember you want to ...
0. Face your target
1. Aim
2. Toss
3. Shift your weight
4. Step to the Toss
5. Contact the ball squarely
6. Serve Tough.
7. Become a Fabulous Serving Sensation!
You want to stay off the bench right? Well to keep improving your volleyball game click here to read Top 5 Ways Girls Can Become a Celebrity Volleyball Spiker
April Chapple created Volleyball where high school and club female volleyball players learn about the indoor volleyball game and its heroes, with news and stories of college and women's pro volleyball players, self-coaching information, volleyball pictures and videos.
The former USA Volleyball national team member and pro indoor/beach volleyball professional is a regular columnist for the AVCA Coaching Volleyball magazine, and contributes to the volleyball newsletter in addition to writing numerous articles on playing and coaching elite volleyball. Author of the upcoming ebook "How to Stop Serving Like a Wimp" April can be reached at
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